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Taking Back Our Art - One Artist at a time

I am an Australian Indigenous Woman from the Warumungu Tribe (Now Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory).


I grew up very poor, believing I would achieve nothing in life as I was not taught about the opportunities available to me.


A large number of my people, from all over Australia, are living in poverty and it seems the majority of Australian's don't even know it.


I am now fortunate enough to have established a business for myself and through my experiences I have seen the disgusting way in which a lot of my people are being taken advantage of for financial gain.


I have a plan, a vision to hand OUR art back to OUR people. WE will create our art, WE will value our art and WE will support OUR families through our ventures.


I have seen too many of my family and friends living in third world conditions while the owner's of Art Galleries buy their new Mercedes from proceeds of our Culture.


ENOUGH is ENOUGH - The time is now and through my numerous business ventures I will be putting funds towards creating a better and fairer future for my fellow Indigenous Artist's and all Indigenous Australian's!


This is NOT a us and them situation, anyone who knows me understands I am not trying to cause any divide. I am simply trying to take back ownership of what is rightfully ours so that my family, friends and people can support their own families through their art, rather than someone else's.


If you would like to contact me with queries, idea's, stories or support (This page will soon include a list of action's I am taking and plan to take to make my dream a reality) then please use the email link below:

Taking Back Our Art: Bio
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